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Welcome to theworldidancein.blogspot.com
June 30, 2008
Manic Monday. :)

Why hello there!

I have so much things to do and I don't know how I can still find time to post. :)) Ugh! The reflection in Religion is killing me! The questions there are just so hard to answer! It's irritating. And there's also a long homework in Algebra: #'s 1-47. Oh, what joy. Ha! I finally learned how to fix my template! Yay! Thanks to Fatima and Lara. :D Yay! So now, you can leave a tag. ;) Although my URL and my template doesn't really match, it's fine, right? :D 'Cause the templates I found in blogskins that fit my URL. . .won't work. And I don't have time to fix it! But. . .I have time to post. :> Haha, anyway, it's almost 9 and I have to be should be out of the computer by then since my brother would be taking over the computer 9 onwards. Okaay, so many things to do. I'll update soon. ;)



5:35 AM

June 27, 2008
Friday Shmriday. :P

Hey There!

I went to school in a bad mood. Nope, scratch that. I went to school in a really bad mood. I still kept thinking what mom said about me quitting ballet because I have to concentrate on my studies and stuff. But, it's still so hard! I mean, what about BackStage? Gahd, it was on my mind the whole time I went to school. It was frustrating thinking about it and the good times I had with my friends in ballet. It makes it even harder to stop taking ballet lessons. Although if I'm a senior, I already know what I have to do. ;) Okaay, I'll stop with my drama already. :P

Off to the great things with the world! It's Friday today! Don't you just love Fridays? :) I mean, tomorrow's a Saturday! And whoopie, something made my day. . . we had shortened periods! Yay! Although the periods were only shortened by 5 mins. who cares? It's still shortened! :D Gahd! Even though we had shorten periods, it felt like we had 1 hour per subject! Especially in Geometry! Oh, god. Everything felt like a blur but there were times that were just plain funny! Oh, lookie. "I Don't Want to Miss a Thing" is playing in my iPod. Sigh. It's been 8 hours since I last heard a DC song. Whoops, Fatima, Lia and I forgot to visit him awhile ago. :( Damn! To those people who still don't know where his shrine is. . . It's for me to know and you to find out! :P Kidding! :) It's in the 2nd floor, near the activity room. :D The bulletin board nearer to the room. I had an experience when I went to the wrong board. It was so embarrassing! Thank god only Fatima and Lia saw that. I looked so stupid! :)) Anywaay, we watched Mean Girls today in Rel! Yay! We're almost done watching it. And oh, we have our very 1st reflection in Rel. Okay, I better start doing it now before I start to cram. Oh, whoops, I forgot my Rel notebook. :D Oh god, the longest period I had today was Geometry. It felt like it never ended. It was so boring. But then. . . As I was about to cough, I didn't cough, I made a different noise. A funnynoise. I thought no one heard it so I just sat properly, but then Rap was looking at me weirdly. And so did Julianne. And so did Jeng. Then I realized they heard it too. :)) Rap and I kept laughing and laughing 'til our stomachs hurt so bad. :)) When school finally ended, we, Lia, Kaye, Jay, Steffi and I, went to McDo. :D Then I went to the ballet room. It was the first time I visited the ballet room since summer. Well, I went there to chat with people, talk to Ms. Vie about the possibility of me quitting ballet lessons. Oh wait, scratch that. I had to talk to Ms. Vie about the possibility of me being forced to quit ballet. Then she told me that were to have a recital. Ugh! It made me even feel much worse! Then she told me to talk to my mom about it. Oh right, what joy. Then I just chatted my mouth off with Ate Angela, Ate Ujie, Ate Thea and Ate Gaan. And lookie! Ate Angela told me that Mrs. Blanco was a former Religion teacher in MC. No wonder our homework is just so. . . Religion-ized. Wokay. I think that sums it up for today. :D Damn! I still can't change my backgrounds to the ones I saw in Blogskins. Gr. Okay then. :D

Lotsa love,

2:29 AM

June 26, 2008
First Palihan. ;)

Hello There, Earthling!

It's almost the end of the first month of school and we just had our first PALIHAN awhile ago. It was a bit weird having PALIHAN without II-2. :( Oh, dear, here I go again. I guess I just miss them so much. There's just so much things to compare! And I'm sure almost everybody in our batch does that. It's still the first month anyway, we're still adjusting with our new classmates. And hopefully, we'll be really close with each other.

Anyway, about PALIHAN. We started off with a prayer service. Yes, a prayer service indeed. Way to start the morning people. Anyway, after that, we watched a documentary by a photographer who works for National Geographic. Damn was he good in taking those pictures. They were amazing! We also had a game after that. After recess, we played the game in Wowowee, "Hep, hep, hooray!" Sir Rehoy was funny. I think only Kate, Aine and I saw what he did. Lol. It was totally funny. Ha, Katrina made my day. She brought a camera! Yay! Gah, I miss taking pictures in school. :> Click here to view the pictures. The rest of the games were pretty boring. Because of the fact that I wasn't the one who's playing. Lol. Since we weren't playing, we just kept taking pictures. ;) The activities after lunch were just so boring. It was the generalization part and oh dear, we ended our first PALIHAN with a prayer service. Oh, joy. Our first PALIHAN was quite fun, actually, especially the picture-taking part. Lol. More PALIHANs to come. ;)

'Til then,

3:40 AM

June 24, 2008
First Post. :)

Wow. It's my first post. Isn't it amazing? Ugh, I've got previous blogs and they were all history. I didn't know what I was thinking about when I wrote all of those posts. I mean they were all nonsense. And I barely updated them all. Hopefully, this new blog will be quite useful somehow. To make history? Ha, I don't think so. Damn, I still have no posts about the amazing stuff that I've already done. Lol. As if that will interest you. Anyway, I hope to write again sometime. Although, I'll change the dates of the events I'm going to post. ;) Maybe later? Okay then, I'll think of something to post about. :D


5:20 AM

June 15, 2008
The Brace Case. ;)

Thanks to my dad for having bad teeth and to heredity, I have braces. :| Oh god. That's me over there with purple elastics on my braces! :> Surprise, surprise. I've heard a lot about it. It hurts. A lot. But as of now, it doesn't. :D Yay me! :) Haha, so far, I can't bite anything! :)) Not even garlic bread! :)) Ugh! I'm so frustrated! 'Di man lang umabot sa ID picture! :| So I'll go through a year with a different look in person and in the picture. :| Okay, the story's going nowhere. Here's the story:

2 weeks after my oral surgery. . .

I ate my last proper meal then I went to my dentist at around 10 and then we started right away. Gahd, I didn't know putting brackets would take a lot of stuff to do! You have to put the glue, then stick it to the tooth, then the laser. . . And then, stupid me, forgot to charge my iPod. So, yes, I just sat there thinking 'bout DC. <3

After 4 hours
. . .

I've got braces already! There's my picture right there! :D Then off to show the world! :)) Haha! I only ate soup for lunch. :)) Then off to do my homework for Mrs. Blanco. :)) Then went to TriNoma to celebrate Father's Day. :) Happy Father's day, dearest dad. :D Haha, we ate at Cyma. I could barely eat anything! Not even bread! Haha. Lol. It was so funny. I'm still not used that my mouth has metal crap in my teeth. I'm still not used to it. And hopefully, I'll be used to it. :D There's school tomorrow. So classmates, say hello to my braces! :D

Spread the love,

5:06 AM