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Welcome to theworldidancein.blogspot.com
July 29, 2008
Hello Hell Week! :|

Argh. It's official. Today marks the start of hell week. I can't believe that I still have time to post all about it. :)) Oh, well;)

Mrs. Billones gave us a
LONG HOMEWORK And I thought that didn't exist. It was all about "The Ambitious Guest" Basta, it's super long talaga. And that doesn't end there. We have a long quiz in Chem tomorrow and a quiz in Rel. UGH. And I have to read Noli pa. :|:)) And that filler thing in Research. God. Third year's really really tiring. It's almost 11 and I'm just starting to rewrite my notes in Pinoy. Sigh. I really hope this will all be worth it.

Signing off,

7:51 PM

July 25, 2008
New Layout. :P

Woot. :D I just got a new layout. :P I just decided to change it since I have nothing else to do except for crappy schoolwork - that I don't plan to do 'til Sunday. :D Talk about cramming. :)) Oh well. It's something you see everyday anyway.

I just came home from Podium with Dad, Kuya, Crista & Rafa. We had our picture at Picture Company for Mom's surprise birthday gift. :D Hahaha. :)) Kewl. :P The pictures were all in group since that was really the main plan. Arg. But it turns out that we will receive the printed pictures on August 4. Ugggh. But Mom's birthday's on Sunday already. It'll be delayed. :D I really do hope she likes it. I mean it takes a lot of lies just for her not to know about it! :))

Haha, I'm still not over about "Super Ciara" Haha, I'm loving the name. :> I'll be keeping it for sometime. ;)

*P.S. Jay changed her link. :)

Off to save the world,

10:04 PM

July 22, 2008
SUPERCIARA for a Day. :P

Hahaha. =))

K, whatever. :P This day is officially great. :D I had fun the whole day. I don't know why, but I just really felt happy. :P SuperCiara has something to do with our Religion group quiz. :))

Ms. Tsaby gave us a group quiz about Moral Obligations, freedom, etc. We had to present it with a "monster" that shows the freedom threats in our lives. And I was the chosen - more like a volunteer :P - superhero! Yay! :D Haha, I volunteered myself to wear my gorgeous purple glittery mask. :> It was really pretty. :D You can even ask Pam, Kate and Labs. :P Sabi nga ni Labs, ginawa ko daw yun. Lol. Wow, e. :)) Jeng was my archenemy. Haha, she was "Peer pressure". Gabbie was in doubt whether she will give in to peer pressure to try drugs or to remain to her moral obligations. She decided to stick to her moral obligations. DUH! :)) K. Enough about Religion. :P

Fast forward to Chemistry! :D We played Taboo! Yay! It was totally fun! The game is similar to charades, but in Taboo, you should describe a given word, though there are a few words that you can't say, else, the point goes to your opponent. Anyway, I volunteered to describe the chosen word. My word was "sea" Kaaay. :)) And I can't say the words ocean and fish. Hahaha, and someone guessed it eventually. I forgot who. :)) We had a tie-breaker and Vicky guessed it! Yay Vicky! Rainforest. Wow. :)) So we eventually won! Yay! Our group had Cloud 9 as our prize. :> Thank you, Ms. Gineta! :) But I still haven't eaten it. Because I might regret eating it if all my brackets got loose or something. :-SS *knocks on wood* Kay, that's all. :P

SuperCiara signing off.

2:52 AM

July 17, 2008
This Should Keep Us All Thinking.

This Should Keep Us All Thinking.

Please watch this video. I guess the title says it all. :D

4:54 AM

Butter Coconut = LOVE


My legs still hurt. . .SO BAD. Although the pain today was more tolerable than of yesterday's. I mean, yesterday was just. . .pure torture! Ugh. The cold compress didn't do anything. So I had to miss ballet. .:( Anyway, today was quite tiring. Sometimes, I just want to stop. And breathe. :))

Today in Lab, we baked Meringue and Flan! :D It was really fun since we were all fooling around. :)) Our group had a unique kind of meringue. It was like calamansi-flavored meringue. =)) Our meringue had a sour after taste. I don't really know what happened. :)) Our group didn't do that anyway. :P Haha, let's not start about our flan, because we didn't even finish. :)) Instead of the sugar being a syrup, it became crystallized. :)) It was like. . .Idk,
tawas? =)) Ms. Gineta even laughed at us because we didn't finish anything. :)) Oh, well. ;)

K, about the title. :D
Butter Coconut = LOVE

Maybe Fatima, Kaye, Lia, Jay, Steffi & Roema only know this. :)) I think I only realized this last Monday. Butter Coconut only costs P10! :D And it has 20 crackers! It's like, 50 centavos each. :D Way to save money, dudes. ;) So, if you're desperate to save money and lose weight, just buy 1 pack of Butter Coconut during recess, and eat it in recess and lunch. :)) Plus, it only has 150 calories per pack. So, there's only like. . .7.5 calories each cracker? Idk, but it's still a way to save money. :)) I was totally surprised when I saw the price and how huge the pack was for its price. I acted like a weirdo. :)) God, I have lots of things to do. I have to do a draft on our formal theme in Filipino all about Rizal's love life in connection with ours. That doesn't make sense. :)) Right, DC? :)) He says yeah. =)) K, whatever. :P

'til next time,

2:41 AM

July 16, 2008
My legs hurt like hell, it makes me want to put Alaxan Gel. =))

Okaaay. My legs hurt like hell from PE yesterday. From the duck walk, frog jump and the wheelbarrow. Everything did twice. X( Almost everyone in III-2 feels the same way anyway. :D Ugh. Stupid muscle strain. :| The result of not warming up before PE. Nice move, Ciara. :|:| Aaah! It hurts so bad, it makes me sad! :)) K, super labo. I just feel like making rhymes and stuff. :)) I currently have an ice bag on my left leg and cold rub rubbed on my right leg. I hope it gets better tomorrow, I've got ballet. ;) But if it doesn't, I have to miss it then. :(

Today felt like a breeze. Everything just seemed to be a blur. All I could just think about is my leg hurting so bad. The hardest thing to do would probably going down the stairs and getting stuff from my locker. Oh, God. Take note that my locker is down there. 2nd to the last row kind of down. :D It still hurts when I kneel, tho. :( But going down the stairs is the worst. It totally hurts. I'd rather just stand and do nothing, but breathe, and read New Moon. :)) Ugh, Religion. Daaamn. Ms. Chabi asked me to go up the IMC to ask Ms. Aguilar if we had an available slot in the IMC. So, as an obedient student, I did. Went all the way to the 3rd floor and asked Ms. Aguilar. And we did have an available slot. And, oh shoot. I had to go down again. Okaay, I just had to resist the pain. :| Then I went to tell Ms. Chabi. When she knew, she told the whole class, "Okay, let's go to the IMC bring your notebooks and blue book." Shit. I was like, WTF. I have to go up there again? And go all the way down? Oh no. It was a real nightmare. But I eventually survived. :D And now I'm here, writing all about it. Ugh, it still hurts. It feels numb when I put an ice bag or cold rub, but when I start to walk, it goes back to square one. It hurts. . .again. Ugh, I still have a long quiz tomorrow in Socsci, all about. . .chapters 3 & 4. :)) And we're gonna make Meringue and Flan tomorrow in Chem! Yay! :D I'm totally excited. :) K, I better start doing my school stuff already. :D

But before I do, I just wanted to say that I cried last night. :( Wanna know why? It's because of New Moon. Edward and Bella broke up. NO!! :(( I don't really know why, but I just felt the sudden emotion of crying, I really got into the story. What's weird though is that I know they're gonna break up, but I still cried. I just felt really sad. :( It was just a quick kind of cry anyway. I was just really sad. :( But hey, there's still Eclipse! :> K, I really need to get going. :)

Resisting the pain away,

4:16 AM

July 15, 2008
I'm finally getting it. :D


Today's a really tiring day if you ask me. (Emphasis on the really. :D) I mean, PE's fine if you had to the "games" once. But as for me, I had to do it twice since we lack players. I have nothing against it, but I was just really tired from ballet yesterday. I mean we had to developpes over and over again. And we had to do double pirouettes lots of times. It was really tiring. And I still haven't recovered from modern last Saturday. I felt really tired after the games so I couldn't do gymnastics properly. Gahd, my legs were shaking! It was pretty scary for me. What made my day is my advantage in gymnastics. Thank God for ballet. :D I finally have use as a ballerina! Lol! Haha, the back bends, the splits, the "Swan", I was used to it. Especially the "Swan", yung exercise na masakit sa ano. :)) I mean I do it every ballet meeting so I'm really used to the pain. ;) So everything was probably easy peasy for me. :D So who said being a ballerina wasn't a good thing? :P Anywaaay, after PE we had Filipino. Oh God, we were 20 mins. late to Ms. Gino Cruz' class. She even left a note: "bumalik na akong faculty room. - Ms. Gino Cruz" Whoops. Everyone was too tired to be worried. :)) Kidding. ;) Some were paranoid - the officers. :D We still had our quiz though. It was hard, maan. :|:| And it's official, we're the class that is late in Filipino. :| Almost every section is done with Rizal's love life and we're just starting. :)) Wahaha. :))

Wee! Lunch was great. :D My CD's working! :D The one Marla used for the DJ thing. :D Okaay, whatever. We had a quiz in Chem. Woah, man. I was confused! :)) That was probably my lowest quiz in Chem. :( Okaay, English was fine. Rap and I had to just walk around to find an OHP. :)) And we started doing a formal theme about our philosophy thing. :D So, yeaah. ;) Yes! I'm finally getting Geom! :D Thanks to my last 2-minute review before the actual test, I knew how to solve the problems and stuff. :)) Oh, and I have a story to tell. :>

I LOVE MRS. GARCIA. :D While we were taking our test, she tried to memorized all our names. :)) I was done quite early since I didn't want to do the bonus part. Since Mrs. Garcia was getting bored memorizing our names and faces, she grabbed my paper and I whined like a baby. :)) While she was scanning my paper, she made faces! It was freaaky! :)) Nap-paranoid ako, e! :)) When she gave my paper back, she told me, "Diba dapat, id-divide mo ito sa 3?" I looked where her finger was pointing and she was right. :)) But the weird thing was, my final answer was right but the answer in the box was wrong. Then I went back to daydreaming. :D About Edward? DC? :)) Try both. :)) But then Mrs. Garcia grabbed my paper to re-check it. Then she pointed my first two answers. Being an obedient student, I reread the question in those numbers and changed it. :D When she saw me changing my answer, she looked at my paper again. This time, she was circling another number, and she was right, my answer was wrong. :)) So I changed it again. :D When the bell rang, she told me, "Oh, sinagutan mo yung bonus para more than perfect?" Woah. Haha. :)) I LOVE MRS. GARCIA na! :D Sana ganun na lang lagi pag nagq-quiz sa Geom. ;D

Oh, and before I forget. Just a quick shout out:


Okaaay. That's probably it. :D

Lotsa love,

1:57 AM

July 12, 2008
Now We're COOKing. :))

Hello there. :D

I just came from modern with Teacher Ron. Haha, it was so much fuun! :D The exercises today were better than last week. :| It's probably because I'm more center now. ;) Yay! Have I told you that Ate Nica's back already? :D I probably did. But, anyway, she is! She's finally heere! :) She actually left for US last year and when to school there too. And guess what? She joined YAGP, (Youth America Grand Prix) a ballet competition among all the 50 states. Among all the contestants, she got in the top 12! :D And after that, I don't what happened. =)) We're actually so proud of her since she made the top 12. Imagine, in 50 states, there are how many cities each? In those cities, how many ballet schools? Gahd! Even though she didn't win 1st place, we're still proud of her. ;) And she went back here in Phils. to finish high school. She's supposed to be a senior now, but since no schools accept incoming seniors, she had to repeat junior year. Oh well. :D

"Now We're COOKing" =))

HAHAHA. =)) Teacher Ron told us that when we finally got the exercise! :)) This totally cracked me up. :)) Since I'm a DC loveer. ;) HAHAHA. I looove it. :D

Okaay, I still haven't done my homeworks yet. :)) Gahd, I don't plan on doing the Guidance requirement about the talk on human sexuality. :| I mean, why make it? Sigh, I better start working on it if I don't want to cram like I usually do. :))

Peace and Love,

5:48 PM

July 11, 2008
High on Twilight. :D


After a week, I already finished the book. :)) Gahd, I'm such a slow mo. :)) Lol. I'm totally stoked for the film to be released in theaters! According to my previous post, which I got from the
Twilight Coven Philippines' blog, Twilight the movie, will be released in January 8, 2009 instead of December 12, thanks to MMFF. :| If you're anxious to see it (like me. :D ) Go here to sign the petition to show Twilight on December 12. :D There are currently 3, 226 signatures and the goal is 5, 000. So please sign the petition. :) You know you want to. ;) Thanks! That's all. :D Oh, and here's a trailer from the movie: (I still don't know if it's official. :D ) Go here to check it out. :P

Hahaha! Sabi na, e! :D Kristen Stewart looks familiar from a film I saw. She's the sister of the two brothers in Zathura! No wonder she looks familiar. ;) So, yeaah. :D Please sign the petition. :D

Lotsa love,

11:10 PM

July 8, 2008
When you can live forever, what do you live for?

Wee! I just found this in the internet and it kept me up and running! I can't wait for Twilight to show in theaters! :D Haha, which reminds me, I still haven't finished the book. :)) It's been what, 5 days? :)) Nice move, slow mo. :)) I can't believe it will show in the Philippines at January 8, 2009. :|:| UGH. Damn Metro Manila Film Festival. :| OMG. Is Robert Pattinson that hot in Harry Potter: Goblet of Fire?! I don't remember him being that hot. And the girl who's playing Isabella is Kristen Stewart. She's somehow pretty. :D Just how I imagined Bella to be. ;) I never thought that Robert and Kristen would make such a great pair! They just have Chemistry. Gah. ;D Aah! And the tagline just keeps getting to me!

"When you can live forever, what do you live for?"

The story and the tagline totally fits! ;D Wee! I can't wait to finish Twilight. :D And I'm not so psyched in reading New Moon, I heard it was totally boring. Since Bella and Edward are going to break up. :( So sad. Although I'm still psyched about showing Twilight in theaters. :D I hope it's already December. :D Whoo!

Still so hyper,

6:02 AM

July 3, 2008
Terrific Thursday. :P

Hey there!

Whew. I just came home from ballet. (like 3 hours ago. :)) ) Hell yeah! My mom finally decided to make me dance again! :> Yay, mom! :D Lol. Whoops, it's almost 11 so I'll just make this post short. Here we go.

Nothing really happened during the morning so let's now move on to
LUNCH. :)) Something happened at lunch today right after we finished eating. Here's the scenario:

*indistinct music playing*

Me: Ugh!
Ano ba yan! Di ko marinig yung pinapatugtog! Yung tono lang, walang lyrics.
Kaye: Oo nga. . .

*first 2 notes of Always be My Baby playing*


- Kaye and Fatima cover their ears with their hands
- almost everybody in the cafeteria glared at our table

*2 second silence. . .*

Everybody else: AAHH!!

LOL. :)) I shouted so effing loud that almost everybody in the cafeteria glared at our table. It was so embarrassing. :)) I didn't do that to get attention. :| I don't even know why I did that. :)) Sobra kasing nakakahiya. :)) It was probably like a sudden reflex of DC's über hot voice. <3 Baka ma-YP pa ako nang di-oras, e. :)) That's enough about my embarrassing scene. :D

It's been almost a month and a half since the last time I danced. Haha, I'm so out of shape! I could barely pointe! Haha, not really. That was just me exaggerating. Lol. Ugh, the effect of 1 month and a half with no ballet: being
OUT-OF-CENTER. It was totally frustrating! I wasn't used to it. We did lesson 4 today, the exercises were okay, I guess. I still hate floorworks. :| Who doesn't? :)) Whew. I finally got my assessment results! Lol. :)) My highest exercise would probably be the "Battement Tendus". My lowest is "Port de Bras". :| Ha! It turns out that the 4 of us got that as our lowest. It's unfair, he was the one who made a mistake, then he makes our grades low? :| Ugh. Haha! The comments in my paper were funny. :)) I was out-of-center during Chaines that day, so the comment there was, "Direction?" Lol. :)) Anyway, first day of ballet was actually fun. I really missed it. :) I can't wait for modern this Saturday! I really missed modern. :D Fine, and Anatoli too. :)) And besides, Ate Nica's finally here! Yay! :D Okay, and so I thought this post was going to be short. :))

Much love,

10:41 PM