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Welcome to theworldidancein.blogspot.com
September 26, 2008
Eeep. :)

Lookie! Julianne just gave this to me. DA & DC doing handstands! Whoopie! They're so cuuuuuuuute. :) Oh, here's the link by the way. Click to watch it. :D I'm too lazy to download it, so just bear with me, please? :)) See how they tucked their shirts in? :> So cute. :D And how DC stretches before he calls Archie! Eeeep! It's so cuuute. :D DA did his handstand longer but I don't really care. Hahaha! I need to learn how to do a handstand din! Yeaaa. :D

7:53 AM

September 25, 2008
Am I crazy or falling in love? Is it real or just another crush?

Aaah! I'm having the worst LSS ever. :| The song's not the one that makes it bad, but the syndrome itself. Man, super lakas ng tama sakin. :| I really can't help not to sing it. Wanna know what song I'm referring to? :)) It's kinda old already actually but the LSS just came to me now. Anyway, David Archuleta's Crush is the one that I'm talking about. When it came out, I sang it really often, and I was used to hearing it over the radio almost every afternoon. But now, I sing it when I just feel like doing so, and now I really want to hear the song over the radio every afternoon since it's not yet in my iPod. (Computer problems. Long story. :| ) Ughhh, what's wrong with me? :|:|

It probably started when I first watched the video. The video's really nice. Well, it featured lots of DA. :) And DA there was really cute. He had a new haircut which really suits his personality. Sometime in the morning, I asked Julia to sing it for me and it was just then that the song hit me. I mean the lyrics are just so...so lovely. :D It's so sweet. :)

"Am I crazy or falling in love? Is it real or just another crush?"

That's my favorite line. :) Ofcourse you all know what's next, "But I know this crush ain't going away" Ooh, and I also like "Why do I keep running from the truth? All I ever think about is you; You got me hypnotized, so mesmerized..."

UGHH. I don't really know what's wrong with me and this song. I really don't know. :| Natatamaan lang siguro ako ng todo. :| Yuuh, to the highest level, maan. :| Ughh. The only song that makes my previous LSS go away is Heels over Head by Boys like Girls. I don't know how I lose my LSS but eventually I just do. But this time, it just won't go away. It just won't. What's weird is it's not even in my iPod but I still keep singing it. Just a few minutes ago, I had to go to youtube just to hear the song. (since I still haven't downloaded LimeWire) Arrg. Hopefully I can find a way to lost this LSS. I can't believe DC's Light On won't even help. :| His voice there was so HAAAWT. :D But the song itself though, was not really catchy. Unlike this one. :|

I need to find a new song, I'm desperate.

6:44 AM

September 24, 2008
I scream for an update! :D

You know you missed me, dear. ;) Hahaha, whatevs. But I have noticed that I haven't posted in a looooooooong time. :| Note the emphasis on the long. :D Lol. I haven't even posted about the Retreat the interaction, and all those other stuff that's happening to Ciaratopia! =)) Anyway, I promise to update soon. Probably right after the exams, yes? Before I leave, here are some quick notes:
  • Pictures from III-2's Retreat last Sept. 8-9, 08 are found here. But don't get too excited dear love, you need to be my contact to view it. Aaw, so go add me up. :D And yes, it's necessary to leave a comment. :P
  • I changed my layout. :D Yea, I actually had time to fix my blog. :))
  • This is the reason why I'm posting. :DDD
  • Jay's birthday is tomorrow! ILY. :) *hug*
That's all. :D See you real soon. :)

6:21 AM

September 10, 2008
She lets me keep her dirty little secret. :)

Hm. Who could it be? A girl who lets me keep her dirtiest little secret ever. Let's call her FCMW. Hahaha. Those are her initials. :) It'll be so easy for you to find out since she's my only friend with a surname that starts with a W. =)) Moving on.

She has this dirty little secret that she doesn't want to share with anyone. Hahaha. At first she was in denial, but she finally cracked up. :)) Lol. I'm not really blackmailing her or anything, more of a teasing kind of thing. ;) Yea. Oh, well. I think Jay knows about it already. :)) That's about it. Oh, and btw, I'll give no hints about her secret. ;) It's for me to know and you to find out. :) (Even though I already know about it. :)))

Peace! :)

2:26 AM